women over-reacting

For any of  you doubters, I’ll have you know that I have been very unsuccessful with this approach. 🙂

About garyswoboda

Welcome to my blog. Although a main focus of my blog is to help those struggling with addiction AND to offer support for their families and loved ones, I will also be posting random thoughts on other subjects as well. My mind can be a strange place, but it has become a much calmer and more serene place since I’ve been clean and sober (and that certainly didn’t happen overnight). My sobriety date is March 28, 1999, and that date is extremely important to me. Without it, I risk losing everything else that is important to me… Some of my posts will be on the lighter side, for I have learned that without humor this life would be unbearable. And some of my posts will be on the darker side, for the reality is that although no one gets through this life unscathed, I have learned that pain shared is pain lessened, whether it’s my own pain, or the pain of another individual or of a community. I have written a memoir on addiction and recovery called “Hungry Tigers: A Candid Account of Addiction and Recovery.” While it is basically my life story, it also tragically includes the story of two of our boys who died from addiction-related causes, as well as that of a lifelong friend who died of a heroin overdose the day before I checked into treatment. But where there is life, there is hope. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please know that there is hope and there is help available. www.garyswoboda.com

Posted on July 30, 2015, in Humor, ON A LIGHTER NOTE and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Perhaps the best use of refrained sarcasm in the history of the English language…

  2. … wait… not refrained… restrained… is that better?

  3. I agree! Well-placed sarcasm is an art-form, and they achieved it here… Made me smile, anyway 🙂

  4. I couldn’t agree more 😉

  5. I read this and had a good chuckle. Of course this is sarcastic I said to myself. She would royally upset…:)

  6. It made me chuckle out loud, Jacqueline 🙂

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